About group ige
We are part of the change to achieve a better world
Our group is 100% committed to the highest ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) standards.
Firmly betting on gender equality and inclusive diversity. As well as in decarbonization, environmental protection and digital transformation. Incorporating to our clients the best experiences and practices on the market.
We are an active player in the fight against global climate change and the energy transition. We contribute to the creation of renewable energy, we strictly com-ply with all environmental legislation and we study each location to minimise damage to the land, integrating our projects into the landscape.

We promote equitable work spaces, ensuring parity and promoting initiative, respect and re-sponsibility. We try to support the local economy in each project, developing the communities where we are present, either with assistance or by creating employment.

governance commitment
At Group IGE we base our growth on ethics, guaranteeing compliance with the law. We base our growth on long-lasting partnerships with our collaborators and clients and on the rein-vestment of our profits. We are committed to talent, technology and digital transformation.

We are also adopting measures in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), contributing to the fulfilment of 4 of the 17 SDGs that make up the 2030 agen-da.

To this end, at Grupo IGE we have set out a clear path towards compliance with these measures associated with sustainability, as shown by our implemented policies: